Chapel - EVANGELISM Day 2

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Matthew 9:37–38


  • Click on this link to watch the video – CAN GOD BE KNOWN?  (12 minutes)

    • Self-reflection: Write down your answers (not in the blog) to the video questions and to the following questions. (5 minutes)

      • Does the idea of sharing a testimony seem easy, or difficult? Why do you think so?

      • Regardless of your salvation testimony, do you feel that God is making a difference in your life story right now? Why or why not?

      • Where is the balance between giving someone time to think through a commitment, and being too unconcerned with their spiritual status? In other words, what’s the balance between patience and intentionality?

Part 2 – Comment: 5 minutes

  • Post a short answer below to the following questions by using the “join the discussion.” This is important. You do not need to comment on the above questions. (If the blog does not show up, email Pastor John your responses.)

    • Contextualization means sharing the Gospel in a way your audience can understand. Tullian Tchividjian said, “If you don’t contextualize enough, no one’s life will be transformed because they won’t understand you. But if you contextualize too much, no one’s life will be transformed because you won’t be challenging their deepest assumptions and calling them to change.”

    • What do you think Tullian Tchividjian meant by contextualization?

    • What does a balanced approach look like?

Part 3 – Prayer: 3 minutes

  • Pull out your list of family members, friends, and acquaintances who you think are missing out on a personal relationship with Jesus. Pray for them.

  • Take a moment to reflect upon how you live your life. Ask the Lord to reveal some specific areas where you need to grow in Christ and grow in sharing the good news.

Thank you!

Pastor John